Category Drawings

The Chairman’s illustration work.

Artful education. A metal mural project.

For the past few weeks we’ve been intensely working away on a project for Henriquez Partners Architects for Kenneth Gordan Maplewood School (KGMS) as they are expanding their alternative high school program in North Vancouver. The project consists of fifteen…

Artist series for Mogo VISA cards.

We’re proud to be part of Mogo’s artist series cards. The Mogo Card is a load up and use credit card to help people control their spending. We’ve created two illustrations for Mogo. The whole process took over a year…

Microsoft’s new IE 10 just got even better.

We’re extremely proud and stoked to have worked with a progressive global company like Microsoft in helping them promote the new and amazing Internet Explorer 10. We’ve been asked to create a fun and cool illustration poster for developers and…