New illustration: ‘Spray N’ Stroll’

This piece came out from a very large illustration we’re working on for a client (which we’ll share at a later date). The visual just came and had to be drawn and finished. Well, that was a good 1.5 hours…
This piece came out from a very large illustration we’re working on for a client (which we’ll share at a later date). The visual just came and had to be drawn and finished. Well, that was a good 1.5 hours…
We received our copy in the mail last week. Really proud to be selected again this year, and not that we’re keeping a tab but we think we’ve been fortunate enough to have been selected for 3 consecutive years now.…
Unplugging the Facebook Machine from Chairman Ting on Vimeo. We unplugged the Facebook machine today and it feels great. We’ve been off of it for over 3 months now and without it, we’re able to spend the time to create…
We often joke about starting a Fashion event here in Vancouver called Fashion Weak. Mostly because we’re inspired by the outrageous outfits we see in the city from time to time. It would be real feast for the eyes especially…
Reliving this epic meal we had in Osaka. This was the restaurant we ate at called, かに道楽 道頓堀中店 that specializes in crab (dug up from our Foursquare check-in. And yes, people still use Foursquare!). No matter how busy we get,…
Today’s mood at the studio. Can’t stop looking out the window today. It’s way too nice out to be working inside but projects are piling up way too fast! The background was shot in Fort Worth Texas during a commercial…
Happy to see all the winners on the Applied Arts Illustration Awards site including our piece for CMPNY. Check out the entire winners galleries here. Congratulations to all the winners!
New mural work for the good folks at Bro’Kin Yolk in Calgary. If you’re in town, you’ll need to head over to their grand opening tomorrow! TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2018 from 7:30AM-3PM! Address: 1410 7 Mahogany Plaza SE Phone: (403)…