Tag Dunny
This Is Not A Toy, an exhibition guest curated by Pharrell Williams
Spot our Dunny. Thanks to our good friend Chad Kabigting, we found out that our Dunny was curated into the Design Exchange’s latest exhibition called This Is Not A Toy curated by Pharrell Williams. The exhibition will be on display…
Dunny Series 2013 Three Inch at Kidrobot
We just ran out of our Dunny Tings. We thought we had two boxes when Kidrobot sent us our Dunnys earlier this summer. Turns out that the other box is the actual entire 2013 collection (which we’re thrilled about) so…
Farewell New York. You’ve been so good to us.
We just want to give the entire Kidrobot New York crew and HQ a big hug for everything. The Dunny 2013 launch and artist signing party was amazing to say the least and to meet our friends and fans at…
Kidrobot – Dunny Ting Concept sketches
Last year we were asked by the cool kids at Kidrobot to submit a concept sketch for them after our RethinkTO mural was blogged on their KRonicle site last year. We were obviously amp’d about the whole thing and submitted…