Carson Ting

Carson Ting

Illustrator and art director based in Vancouver, Canada.

Typecasted: Exhibited two new art pieces

Piece 1 Title: Handcrafted Perfection Imperfection Medium: Liquitex acrylic ink, Montana Gold spray paint on paper. Piece 2 Title: The letter ‘T’ Medium: Cardboard shredded illustrations on wooden cutting board. Cardboard Shredding artist: Bella Exhibited at Typecast, A Group Exhibition…

Typecast: A group exhibition

I’ll be exhibiting two new illustration pieces at this show this Thursday, August 25. Party starts at 5:00pm – 10:00pm at aka alsoKNOWNas 314 West Cordova Street, Suite 220. Hope to see you there. Follow us via Twitter.

Kidrobot – Dunny Ting Concept sketches

Last year we were asked by the cool kids at Kidrobot to submit a concept sketch for them after our RethinkTO mural was blogged on their KRonicle site last year. We were obviously amp’d about the whole thing and submitted…