I started my day streaming CBC Live to watch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement on counter-tariffs. No matter how we feel about him, he delivered a powerful speech that truly united Canadians in standing up to Donald and his unpredictable antics.
It honestly made me emotional.
If there’s one silver lining to this unprovoked trade war, it’s that it’s bringing us together. For the first time in a long time, we can wave our Canadian flags with pride without the risk of being mistaken for the Freedom Convoy. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this patriotic.
I was born and raised in Canada, and my Chinese name literally means “born in Canada.” My identity as a Canadian has always been a part of me, but right now, that pride feels stronger than ever. I’ll be making intentional choices to support Canadian products and businesses during this time.
Here’s a photo of me in front of a Canadian flag I helped design and paint for Canada Day over a decade ago at Canada Place, wearing my Canada shirt, of course.