Back from our trip to Paris, Rome and the Amalfi Coast.

I’m still buzzing from this trip. Hands down, one of our best trips to date (Audrey and Quinn might not be in agreement, LOL). But honestly, I personally haven’t stopped thinking about the trip. It was crazy fun and extremely inspiring. I took over 3000 photos with my little Sony ZV-1. I left my Nikon behind this time to travel light and it was the best decision. I ended up falling in love with my little Sony and started to appreciate the shooting experience without an optical viewfinder.

We spent 5 days in Paris, 5 days in Rome and 5 days in the Amalfi Coast. It was a bit of a whirlwind of traveling by plane, connecting flights, train, ferries, boats and by car. I miss the Amalfi sun and Roman heat. Despite sweating like crazy and walking tons, it was an incredible experience. I even miss having a sweaty and itchy back, getting sun burnt, being parched and all the little annoying nuances travelling through Italy. I miss it so much that I bought a Nespresso machine (A nod to my client here) to remind me of my mornings making coffee in my hotel room.

I took well over 3000 photos (Not even counting my iPhone photos), I’ll be creating separate blog posts for each location. I’m going by chronological order. First up, are my photos (highly curated!) from Paris. All shot with my Sony ZV-1 and processed through Adobe’s Lightroom.