Thinking of making this into a regular thing. I can perhaps on a weekly basis film myself free style doodle for under 10 minutes and post it online. A great little creative exercise for myself to keep my drawing skills sharp and maybe even build a larger audience.
So many fun things I want to do but we’re getting a lot of projects through the studio (thankfully!) which eats up most of my time. I’m not complaining but dedicating time for personal projects, even small ones like this take up time.
Stay tuned. I just might make this ‘Doing My Own Ting’ a thing. Who knows. Happy Friday everyone!
In case you ask, “what marker are you using?”, I’m using a POSCA marker. These markers are like magic. Super opaque, consistent and ink flows like a dream. An no, this is not a paid sponsorship post. I just personally love the product.