Been looking for a small pocket point-and-shoot that does both photo and video well, and had seriously considered the Ricoh GR III and even borrowed it for the weekend from my studio mate, Hubert. The Ricoh GR III although an amazing camera lacked the punch I needed for video. It’s also a bit pricier too mind you. So after a few weeks of casual research, I landed on the Sony ZV-1 and picked one up from Kerrisdale Cameras, and was fortunate enough to have snagged the last one.
I’m so excited to really put this little camera through its paces as it’s my first new camera since 2012! I’ve already used it to film a few BTS videos on 2 current projects I’m working on and I’ve been trying to get accustomed to the heavy 4k video files.
Although I shoot 95% of my daily photos with my Google Pixel 6 (great camera), I still love having a dedicated camera that packs more punch with a bigger sensor (1″ for the little Sony), but make no mistake, I still love shooting with my Nikon DSLR more than the little Sony but for the convenience and portability, it’s a fair trade-off.
For our trip to Toronto (a few cool projects in the works!) in a week or so, I’ll be leaving the Nikon at home for the first time, so let’s see how much I’ll miss it with the little Sony taking its place.
Here are a few shots I took at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Classical Garden last weekend and processed through Lightroom.