Thanks to you all who continue to support us, we are able to make another contribution to charity. This time we picked Small Cures. A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping people living with cancer afford to survive. This initiative was inspired by our friend Kandie Wong who was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2015. she quickly realized it affects every aspect of life – including adding tons of financial stress. Fortunately, Kandie received incredible support from family and friends, and she now wishes to help others with similar struggles.
This year Small Cures is raising funds to support Wellspring Cancer Support services. Thank you to everyone who made this drop a smashing success. Buns of Fortune, although a small collection, it still sold out in less than 5 minutes.
We will continue to work hard to keep adding value to every single Billion Buns holder. A billion new things are in the works.
Stay tuned for the lucky draw where we give away 2 ultra-rare buns of Fortune.
1 randomly airdropped to a Billion Buns holder and another from a draw.