BUNS AWAY! 3 sleeps before our first ever NFT drop on LastKnown.com

We’re crazy excited about our drop! 3 days and 10 hours away from touchdown. All 888 Billion Buns arriving Jan 10th, 2022 8am PST for all humans on the whitelist. Public: Jan 11th am PST.

Here are 60+ buns condensed down to 11 seconds. Big ups to Lynol Lui for his help on this!

With ETH down, we hope it stays low for our mint day to keep it affordable for everyone. Happy Bun hunting everyone! So happy to see so much excitement building around our first NFT drop on places like discord especially after our AMA session last night. 

Mint here on Jan 10/11th: https://lastknown.com/artist/chairmanting/drops/billion-buns

Don’t know how to mint? Here’s a guide that Lastknown put together:
