Reminiscing warmer days in the studio.Carson TingNovember 29, 2021Blogging, Snaps Came across these photos on my Nikon this morning. I took them this past summer and going through these photos made me really reminisce warmer days while I freeze my ass off on these cold concrete studio floors. The back of the studio is where we store all our paints and gear. Loving this light seeping through the back studio door during the summer when we keep both doors open for a nice draft of a warm summer breeze. The trusty old MASI fixie that I’ve had since 2010. Our copy of the latest AI-AP annual. Read the clever way it protested against Chinese censorship here on Fast Company. Our copy of the latest AI-AP annual. Read the clever way it protested against Chinese censorship here on Fast Company. Our copy of the latest AI-AP annual. Read the clever way it protested against Chinese censorship here on Fast Company. Shot on Commercial drive while painting Community Pizza Tapas + Bar.