I am extremely grateful for all the shine I’ve been getting with all the projects I’ve been working on through my studio. Last week Herschel Supply put out a feature for Annie Chen and I through their Instagram stories.
It was a feature talking about our recent collaboration for our studio mural in the Westend (Nelson and Nicola) for this year’s Vancouver Mural Festival.
Our mural titled ‘Westend Bestend’ features everything that defines the Westend. In particular, my mural features Joe Fortes (A prominent figure in the early history of Vancouver, and the city’s first official lifeguard.) heading west towards English Bay and a great blue Heron taking flight while Annie’s mural is made up of beautiful patterns and cute tiny critters. Both murals converge at the tip of Nelson and Nicola with a two-faced raccoon which you’ll need to see in person for the full effect.
Big thanks to the Herschel Supply team for coming out to document our work and for the interview. Visit @herschelsupply on Instagram stories to go through our entire interview.
Follow us on our art adventures on Instagram.
Full project link: https://chairmanting.com/westend-bestend-vmf-2020

From left to right: Annie Chen, Hubert Kang, Aiken Lao, Leah Gregg, Mark Illing, Carson Ting.

Photo by Hubert Kang Photography

Photo by Hubert Kang Photography.