WOW! Thank you, Vancouver! The past few days have been amazing to experience as we officially topped more than $100,000 mark (and still climbing) in just 2.5 days since the launch of this fundraiser for the Greater Vancouver Bank. The amount of media attention we’ve been getting has been absolutely stunning. Thank you to all the media that has given this project the spotlight because, without you and your coverage, we wouldn’t have been able to raise so much in such a short period of time. But, we are far from done and we’re still counting on all of you to keep this momentum going.
During these times, there’s been a real significant spike in demand for help from families that are struggling to put food on the tables. We are crazy proud of all the success we’ve been getting. It really does take a village. Big thanks to the Vancouver Whitecaps FC for spearheading the entire campaign and bringing us onboard (Kindred & Scout, Leah Gregg, Aiken Lao, Ryan Leeson, Hubert Kang, Amy Jones, Mike Southworth).
Get your print today (100% proceeds to directly to the Greater Vancouver Foodbank) and hopefully, we’ll hit another major milestone soon. Purchase yours today: https://www.ittakesavillage.shop/

Version 1: Full colour.

Version 2: Whitecaps Blue

Version 1: Full colour.
It Takes a Village featuring Tosaint Ricketts.
The villagers that made this possible:
Whitecaps Voiceover: Tosaint Ricketts
Vancouver Whitecaps FC team:
Director, Events and Experience: Jon Rees
Art director, Senior designer: Terry Dee
Manager, Community Relations: Stacey Dicion
Specialist, Events & Experience: Victoria Singh
CEO: Mark Pannes
Marketing Specialist: Tom Ravenhill
Digital Marketing Manager: Christian Wynne
Creative/ Copywriter: Tom Martin
Graphic Designer: Andrea Lo
Creative Collective:
Producer: Amy Jones
Illustrator: Chairman Ting / Carson
Editor/Animator/Music Composition/Sound Mix & Master: Mike Southworth
Song Performed by: Mike Southworth, Hilary Grist, Dawn Pemberton
Writer: Ryan Leeson
Strategist: Leah Gregg
Graphic Designer/Illustrator Asst: Aiken Lao
Colourist: David Tomiak
Post House: Nova Studios
Director/DP: Hubert Kang
Video Clip Contributors: Carson Ting, Byron Kopman, Mustaali Raj, Hubert Kang, Gavin Kennedy, Leah Gregg, Mike Southwroth, Bree Sinnott, Alex Beim, Steven Errico, Claire Villet, Andrew Shirley, Raffy Espiritu, Doug Schier, Alterna Films, RJ Sauer, Stu Washington