A quick timelapse of my process.
Post-production notes:
The mural took 3 days in total. 1st day was mostly prep work. This included picking up paint and art supplies, priming the wall and sketch work (using a grid system and a good old fashioned chalk).

The 2nd day started early at 9am until 6pm. The bulk of the work was done on the 2nd day and on the 3rd day I spent half of the day finishing up details, fixing mistakes, and photographing the final wall.
Because of the COVID situation, I decided to solo the job to minimize any human interaction. The wall was done almost exclusively with spray paint (from Layout art supplies) for speed. I didn’t have access to water and didn’t know how I was going to treat greywater so it only made sense to spray bomb the whole wall.
Fun fact:
The fact that I was soloing the job meant I didn’t have anyone to look after my gear if I had to go to the bathroom, so I decided to not drink anything for the entire time I painted. I was in eco-mode for the entire time which I was quite surprised how well my body adapted. Happy that I didn’t have to resort to adult diapers. ;)
“Everything that is done in the world is done by HOPE.”
—Martin Luther King

✨A Dash of Hope✨ is all we need. I’m super pumped about this new mural I did for the Vancouver Mural Festival and Vancity on 1168 Robson Street. Big thanks to Drew Young and the whole Vancouver Mural Festival team for inviting me to be among the 40+ artists to help brighten up the city with our art. It’s a sad sight to see what used to be a vibrant city to be now all boarded up in our battle against this pandemic.
We all just need a dash of HOPE while keeping away from each other and to stay home as much as we can to help continue to flatten this curve. We can do this.
Big shout out to City of Vancouver for the paint and supplies and Goodbye Graffiti for providing a protective coating to our (hopefully) temporary art. Also a big shout out to our amazing studio manager Aiken Lao for holding everything down remotely while I go paint. My apologies for all my late email, text, IG message responses.

Thank you to all the people that came to say hi from a safe distance, all the strangers that came up to give me props and thumbs up.

And finally to the random crow that stalked me for all three days, thanks for stealing my bag of skinny nibs. You can suck it crow bird.