Mural project for Powers Construction out in Salt Spring Island.

Our first hand-painted mural of the year takes us to Salts Spring Island for Powers Construction. We are extra giddy about this one because the home we are painting in is insanely beautiful and the guest house is literally straight out of Dwell Magazine (we’ll publish those photos once it’s officially published through Dwell). We’re all stocked up on our art supplies for our trip out there tomorrow at the crack of dawn. We will be there for the rest of the week and the weather is looking promising.

All scattered with all our shit.

Earlier in the day, I had to go pick up some camera gear from the award winning architectural photographer, Andrew Latreille to take to Salt Spring so he doesn’t have to lug all that gear on the plane. Really stoked that Patrick got him to shoot our process.

We were able to cram all our paints in the secret compartment under the trunk space!
All the boxes of paint and art supplies are all neatly hidden underneath in the huge underfloor storage. Well done BMW!