Microsoft’s new IE 10 just got even better.

We’re extremely proud and stoked to have worked with a progressive global company like Microsoft in helping them promote the new and amazing Internet Explorer 10. We’ve been asked to create a fun and cool illustration poster for developers and web designers around the world to download whenever they visit to scan for common coding problems with their site. The site magically generates your site for 9 common browsers and mobile devices and all within our crazy illustration. The concept we’re trying to convey here is called Responsive Web Design and we worked closely with the Microsoft team in Seattle and Brad Frost, an expert in the field of Responsive Web Design based in Pittsburgh, PA.

Try it yourself (it takes a bit of time to generate) but well worth the wait. Testing for Internet Explorer just got a little easier. Full story

Here are some close up shots of this crazy big illustration.

The illustration consists of over 100 separate drawings pieced together in layers so that the developer team at Microsoft could have maximum flexibility with the piece during browser resize and other coding design ideas they were playing with. Here’s the entire illustration deconstructed for a better look of all the pieces we drew.

And here a few rough concept sketches we presented to client before we started on the the final art piece.

To try it yourself, go to and type in a website of your choice in the main dialog box, click the scan button and you’ll get a page like this:
Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 8.24.58 PM
Click on the tab that reads GET SCREEN SHOTS OF YOUR SITE ACROSS BROWSERS AND DEVICES and then click the big BEGIN SCAN button to generate your site inside our illustration poster. Once you’ve done that, wait for your site to scan (it’ll take a bit of time to do all the data crunching in the background) and you’ll see our illustration in a box on the side appear. Enjoy!