404 Beach is Live in Memphis!

Hey’all! Sorry for not keeping this space fresh for the past few weeks. We’ve been slammed up to the yin yang on a bunch of side projects but will definitely be more active from here on. We are proud to announce that one of our older art videos ‘404 Beach’ got picked up by the Memphis Bike & Film festival called ‘Bikesploitation‘ hosted by their Live From Memphis art festivals happening this week. If you’re down south, be sure to check it out, or just check it out here:

404 Beach was a collaborative stop-motion video piece of wall mural done by us and Mike Nowland of Company Policy, music by Tom Pettapiece (AKA Straightleg).
This video is still circulating around the world wide web zone despite being 2 years old. It’s also currently exhibited at the San Jose Tech Museum.

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