⚡️⚡️ SOLD OUT⚡️⚡️
In less than 60 seconds when the gates opened at 8am PST. We are completely blown away and are still pinching ourselves. We had zero expectations for our very first NFT drop to avoid being disappointed. But despite the sky-high gas fees, people still showed up to support this Billion Bunsproject.
It’s been 6 months in the making. When we first got that phone call from the folks at Blockchain Foundry Inc. we were all in. The economics in this #NFT space is truly unreal and we immediately knew that we wanted to use this new found power to give back to the community which is why we are donating 10% of our proceeds to charity. We will continue helping others until the end.
The funds will be split equally between the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, Greater Vancouver Food Bank, the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, RABBITATS FOR HUMANITY INC (Rabbit Rescue).
We will be making those contributions asap and will have them on full display through social media and more. The beautiful thing about blockchain technology is that everything is transparent. There’s no funny business and the potential to do even more with this technology is truly unlimited.
Big ups to everyone involved. It takes a village to build projects like this and we will continue building this tiny Billion Buns universe for everyone to play in. The future is crazy and we’re in it to play, share and have fun.
We want to thank everyone for their support!
Our family, Paksun Ting, Karen Yeung, Joseph Wang, and honestly, countless friends!
Big ups to Karm Sumal and his Daily Hive team
And everyone on the Blockchain Foundry!
If you’re interested in getting your own Bun, check out the secondary market on Opensea.