Press check at Colortec

Press check at Colortec in Burnaby from Chairman Ting on Vimeo. Went out to Burnaby to check out the facilities at Colortec. We’ve been working with them over the past year on a lot of our mural work. Top notch…
Press check at Colortec in Burnaby from Chairman Ting on Vimeo. Went out to Burnaby to check out the facilities at Colortec. We’ve been working with them over the past year on a lot of our mural work. Top notch…
The Future is Female from Chairman Ting on Vimeo. A quick little piece to help celebrate International Women’s Day.
Today is a big day for us! Our brand new website is finally up and It only took us 7 years! :) With the new design, you’ll be able to easily navigate through all our projects in a more visual…
Blend 2017 Presents: Carson Ting from Wine after Coffee. on Vimeo. Really excited to be invited to Blend, an animation festival in Vancouver as a speaker. Festival runs from May 26 – 27. Unfortunately, all the tickets are sold out…
2017 has kicked off in the right direction. After learning we got selected as a winner for Communication Art’s illustration awards we got notified this morning that we also picked up an award for Applied Arts 2017 Photography and Illustration…
Really stoked to be selected as a winner for Communication Arts 58th illustration annual competition this year. We got selected for our Webby’s animation video which debuted at the 20th annual Webby Awards last year. We worked with the talented…
Last summer I was flattered to be invited by Eugene Kan for a short interview about creativity to be featured on, an audio/visual publication that brings stories from the creative world. It’s a true honour to be featured on…