It’s been a while since I picked up my camera to take photos just for fun. I’ve always loved having a dedicated camera (not my iPhone, although the photo quality is amazing!) and just walking around, looking for things that are interesting to me. In a way, it helps me further appreciate my surroundings and reframe the way I look at things. It honestly doesn’t take much to see things differently. Just a simple pause, truly looking around with more purpose, and being in the present with mental clarity helps slow down thoughts that make you anxious.
I think what I’m trying to say is that photography helps me be in the moment and look at the world differently. We’re constantly time-starved and rushing from one thing to another, day after day, and it’s easy to sometimes forget to slow down, take a moment for yourself, and take in everything around us. It reminds me that when Denise and I got married over 12 years ago, one of the best pieces of advice we received was to remember to just stop and take a moment for ourselves to remember that day. Everything in life moves incredibly fast, so remember to slow down, take a deep breath, and appreciate everything in our lives. So next time when you’re out running an errand or something routine based, stop, look around and take a few photos. Here are a few I took on my way home after work with my Sony ZV-1. I processed them through Adobe’s Lightroom. Hope you dig these snaps!
Taken on June 4, 2024. Westend, Vancouver, B.C.